Every morning I get up and turn on channel 9 (there are just 5 channels that you get for free in Australia and channel 9 is the best amongst all that’s free ;)) and after every 20 minutes, a short fat Engligh looking man speaks up in Pure Aussie slang – ‘Yeah Mate, have you thought what will happen if you die tomorrow. Are you prepared for it(yeah right, as if I have nothing better to do than plan my undecided funeral). Would you like to leave your family in all that debt after you are gone.’
Now normally, I would expect someone to say, leave your family in all the mourning, pain, loneliness, sadness and whatever, but why DEBT??.. what do they shower you with gold biscuits when you die ;)
So why does it cost so much to die in the west ? The answer is real estate ! You are buried here and when you get buried – you occupy space – and for space you got to pay- living or dead. So in fact you got to keep paying rent even after you die. And I am almost sure that we would have a sub-prime crisis for graveyards been allocated at higher interest rates to the dead – and the banks can then claim that the dead are not able to pay back and ask for a government bailout.
Fun fact : Infosys India actually has around 600 software developers employed in what is called as a “Death Care Business Unit” who support softwares that help people sorta save for their funerals.
If the Mayans calendar , India TV, Aaj tak, and now the Hollywood is to be believed, we all better start saving for whats going to happen in 2012 ;).
lol!! never thot of it like real-estate value! they shud start thinking like the chinese - no more place to bury (what with 21% of world population and 7% of cultivable land), so they've started burying cremated remains and re-using graves :P
ya.. wont be long before they start exporting their dead too ;) - something like .. cheap med college lab experiment sets ;)
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