Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Best of 2010 ;) !

          Everyone is posting the best of 2009. So I am sure everyone is going to know everything anyways. So this is my blog post that I would love to publish on 31st December 2010 ;).
World :

India has successfully turned all the nuclear guns of Pakistan towards Nepal. (Why Nepal ?.. well.hhmm... who cares ;)) and Pakistan has finally ceased to exist in spite of all the money given by US and is no more officially recognized as a country.

Obama has finally said – ‘Yes we did’ instead of a perpetual ‘Yes we can’. (BTW: shouldn’t new year day be named as Obama day – it’s a day where everyone hopes for the best ahead and who else can show better ‘hope’ than him.)
Copens and Hagens**  have finally shook their hands on the heroic climate deal. Climate is not going to end humanity anymore – war may though ;)

India :

Mumbai police have finally started torturing Kasab publically… and we are loving it ;).

Chandrayaan 2 has successfully planted the first mango tree on the moon and is using the detected H2O to successfully water it. ;)
In a miraculous case of self realization, Raj and MNS have resorted to peaceful satyagraha.
Swine Flu immunization reaches India and perpetually no deaths due to H1N1 in full 2010. J
Sensex closed 45 points higher today at 35,452 pts.

Gossip :

Rakhi Sawnt’s sequel reality show – ‘Rakhi ka Honeymoon’ has gone on to become the most popular reality show in the world.
Woah ! Saif was bi and had Shahid tattooed on his lower back !
We have finally found 100 waitresses who have not slept with Woods ;).

Entertainment :
AR Rehman gets Oscar for 2nd year in a row.
Aamir Khan had delivered a mind blower that makes 3 idiots look mediocre (now that would be something ;)).
Business/Technology :

Tata has obliged to the PM’s request to reduce emissions and has launched – Tata Pico – worlds cheapest bike for Rs 1k.

Google has successfully launched Google Life – It is an application that is going to scan through all the data on your laptop, your personal diaries, bank accounts, photos, video chats with your girlfriend, your search queries, the songs that you sing while bathing and pass it through the google black box to give out relevant Ads of what you should buy in order to lead a better life.
Facebook’s population that exceeded that of Chinas.
Windows 7 consistently sucks less than Vista.
Completely ‘working’ GPS active in the whole of India.
Sports :

Commonwealth Games 2010 were the best commonwealth Games hosted – ever. J(well atleast grant me a wish to be able to publish – Woah – nothing actually went wrong in the Commonwealth Games 2010 in Delhi ;) )
Sachin Completes 21 years and sets the record for the highest number of records anyone has broken and set in any sport.
India retains No. 1 in Tests and also in ODI’s.

Cheers !
31 dec 2010. ;)
Also – check out this cool site to be used for the new year – It lets you email to a future you ;). May seem a bit silly, but actually pretty cool to email a 30 or 40 year old you asking – hey man –  did you finally get the Ferrari ;).
Oh and ya – feel free to list down something that you feel would be great to have in news on 31st dec 2010. HAPPY NEW YEAR ;) !
[**- Click here if the Copen and Hagen point confused you a bit ;).]


Unknown said...

visited ur blog for the first time Rahul, didn know u were into dis too :)).......just read this one and its very well written! Nice list of future hopes ;) Keep updating!

thouarethat said...

:). thanks Neha. But its not a hope list.. its a post from the future ;) hehe

Unknown said...

Happy New Year Boy ! Have a fun filled year !

Shekhar said...

Peace restored in the world - Putin unveils Russian under ground nuclear laboratories to contend American expansion and control over the World politics and economics. However his excitement came to a freeze when Mr. President (Obama) uncovered American capacities built on the surface of Mars since decades. League of Third Nations have once again played their important role in re-establishment of peace in World. Thanks to the Chanrayaan Program of India. This program was into news since many years but neither the Capitalists nor the Socialists ever thought of the hydrogen bombs planted on Moon. These are developed to counter attack both the Mars capacities of the Capitalists and under-ground ones of the Socialists. Moon has served to of great strategic importance!!!

thouarethat said...

woah! shekhar - what are you drinking this new years ;)

Yogesh said...

Fantastic always! Keep writing :)

Unknown said...

you write very good easy and on terrific topics KEEP WRITING