This is a story about 2 brothers – Copen and Hagen. Copen is 21 and thus has a relatively ‘developed’ persona and Hagen is 15, but smart and ‘developing’ fast.
One morning, Copen and Hagen decide to go a cafe and have a chat-
Copen : Hey Hagen, how many times have I told you to stop smoking. You are too young to do that.
Hagen : Oh yeah !! but you started when you were just 12 !
Copen : And that was a mistake. And I don’t want you to repeat the same mistakes that I made.
Hagen : Aah ha ! Well I don’t listen to people who make mistakes.
Copen : Listen, I am elder to you and thus smarter and more self dependent. So I have the right to advice you.
Hagen : oh really, then why don’t you give me some more money to buy a ‘hukkah’ ! It would be less injurious you know.
Copen : Buy one?? why don’t you make one just like I have done.
Hagen : Haah, then atleast teach me how to make it or share the technology how I am supposed to make it.
Copen : Oh I will, but you have to promise you will smoke less.
Hagen : Oh yeah ! And what happened to the promise you made to mom (Mrs kyoto) few years back ?
Copen : That was an old thing. Besides, this is between you and me. Don’t get mom in between. Forget about that thing. Besides it not my fault that she didn’t make you promise that time. Who knew you were going to grow up so fast !
Hagen : Forget Mom !! You can default on your promise to her and you want me to make a promise to you !! I am walking out !!!
And thus Copen and Hagen fought happily ever after.
Climate thus remains limited to some lame essay talk given by some 13 year old that gets shared a million times and tones of people, who I hope, know what they are protesting for.
Australia is coming out to be a champion amongst the copens as they are giving in their best shot at scraping their promise to mom Kyoto and Africa is being termed as the champion amongst the Hagens as they are willing to stand tall and refuse to be dominated. Well, Ironic to a summit that should have champions termed on the basis of the vision and valor shown by a nation towards taking initiative for fixing the environment. Copens are worried that it will hamper their capitalist economies – well apparently you taught the world that capitalism is powerful and flexible – isn’t it powerful and flexible enough to accommodate the environment ???
We have reached such a point that even if some minister from some country comes up with some innovative way and decides to lead by an example, the pride and political ego of his nation will be so badly hurt, that implementing something would anyways be just a dream for him. Handling the protestors will be on agenda for a few months then. The opposition in that country would be celebrating though.;)

awesome situational story to put across ur point of view! :)
;).. but its a true story.. not just situational.. ;)
Good One buddy!
laaai bhariii....i thing u should write more...
:).. i intend to.. until someone comes and beats me up for being so cynical ;)
loved the analogy!
Hey... this is cool... u hv really written it well :)
awesome situational story to put across ur point of view! :)
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